VentureBit Blog

Introducing VentureBit Dashboard

In recent times, various services have changed their terms and policies. This write-up contains a detailed explanation and what’s next

These changes are not yet applied to everyone, but we have already developed the required systems for a smooth transition.


First of all, A few days ago, Netflix stopped password sharing for all countries, referring to it as Household sharing [Details available here]. Essentially:

  1. You cannot share your account with anyone outside your household; the five profiles on one account can no longer be shared as before.
  2. The account’s household location will primarily be set through the television/TV/SmartTV/Home system location. Additionally, detection will occur at the network level. Solutions:
  3. Everyone must stay in the same house :3
  4. Every 14 days, others can log in using a code sent to your email. This is allowed under the category of Traveling.

VentureBit’s Statement:

You are aware that VentureBit is not merely a subscription seller; VentureBit is a technology company and provides our services following all laws of Bangladesh. Considering everyone’s needs and from a technological perspective, verifying with OTP is the best solution. However, there is a major hurdle in sharing the OTP sent to email with everyone, as it is neither possible nor advisable to share email login details. Also, repeatedly messaging customers for the OTP is inconvenient! As VentureBit is always customer-centric, we are introducing the VentureBit Dashboard as an easy solution! VentureBit Dashboard []

Like our email service, this is also our own service. At any time from our website, you can get your Household Verification Link and Sign-in Code. Updates will be available from the server side every 3 seconds, so the chance of OTP expiring is very low. How to use:

  1. Household Verification When logged in, you will find an option named “I’m Travelling” towards the bottom of the notice page. Select it, then select Send Verification or any similar message. Then, enter the VentureBit Dashboard, fill in your (your profile name, your email) information, and click on GET OTP to receive your desired Verification Link. Clicking on this link will show you a 4-digit code, which you can enter on your device to verify.
  2. Sign In: The previous process, from the sign-in page, select “Use a Sign-In Code”, enter the account email, and after sending the code, you will receive your 4-digit OTP in the Dashboard as before.


  1. In the Dashboard, you must provide your own email and profile name. If the information does not match the details given at the time of order, you will not receive the code. If you think your information is incorrect or needs to be changed, you can let us know via message/email.
  2. From today, logging into any Television, SmartTelevision, Homesystem is closed. However, you can share and watch from your mobile device to the TV. Details for all devices are available here
  3. Full account users can do everything as before; you and your members will receive the code using the information given at the time of order. If you need to set different names and emails, contact us, and we will do it for you.

Privacy Notice:

  1. As always, we do not use your information for promotion. We do not conduct any paid promotions.
  2. Your email is not shared with anyone; we can add a custom code to your email so that even if your public email is known to someone, they cannot access your code.
  3. We keep system logs, and action will be taken based on those logs in any case.

Refund Policy:

  1. The 100% refund policy follows all previous rules.
  2. Until next month, you can take a refund for the remaining days if you do not wish to use this system. However, this system applies to everyone in every country.

Any Questions Regarding Our Tech Stack?

Send us a message or email if you want to know more technical details about how we automate things & how the dashboard was built. Bonus [CTF]?

Find the hidden message from our website and get 5 days of extra subscription, this is only applicable for those who do CTF. No Bruteforce/Fuzzing required. Flag Format: vbctf{secret-code-here} Thank You!!